Word Search - the words may be hidden in eight directions.
The end of boredom! You will be amazed how much challenges are present in this wordsearch-game, just waiting to be discovered by you. With different topics and levels of difficulty you can try yourself. What fun - the words may be hidden in this letter-chaos in eight directions: horizontal, vertical, diagonal (in two directions) and each of them forward and backwards! Time is running with, so you are able to see how fast you are.
-= Word-Puzzle, Wordsearch, Search Quiz, Words find, hidden words, Word-Puzzle-Game, Wordsearchgame =-
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- Countries
- Cities
- Animals
- Forenames
- Tools
- Internet / IT
- Mixed-Mode (All categories in the mix)
Supported languages:
- English and German
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